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Transform Your Marketing Strategies with the SOSTAC Methodology – Become a Certified SOSTAC  Planner with LMC Associates! Northern Ireland's only licenced training provider.



Lydia McClelland and Christine Watson standing in Belfast holding SOSTAC logo and Chartered Marketer logo.

Join Us for an Inspiring SOSTAC Masterclass (delivered over 4x ½ days)  

Embark on a journey of strategic brilliance with Lydia McClelland. Over four engaging half-day sessions, you will master the art of creating flawless marketing plans using the acclaimed SOSTAC® methodology and earn your SOSTAC® Certification. 

Create the Perfect Digital Plan using SOSTAC

Whether you're devising a comprehensive marketing strategy or fine-tuning specific tactics like SEO or email marketing, SOSTAC® is your ultimate ally. In this masterclass, you'll learn to apply the SOSTAC® planning framework to elevate your Marketing Strategy and Digital Marketing Plans to new heights.


What Will You Gain from the 4 x 1/2 Day SOSTAC  Masterclass? 


Across these four sessions, you'll acquire the skills to think, act, and plan strategically. You'll leave with PR Smith's SOSTAC® book, a detailed masterclass workbook, and a SOSTAC® planning template, ready to shape all your future marketing endeavours. 





Fun Presentation

You will learn to

1 / Analyse Your Market

Understand your market dynamics

2 / Clarify Your Objectives

Set clear, achievable goals.

3 / Develop Your Strategy

Formulate robust, effective strategies. 

4 / Exploit Tactical Channels

Utilise key marketing channels to their fullest.

5 / Avoid Classic Mistakes

Sidestep common pitfalls and errors. 

6 / Measure and Improve Performance

Embrace a culture of continuous improvement. 

7 / Implement Best Practices

Apply expert tips, techniques, and golden rules. 


What is PR Smith’s ​SOSTAC  ?


SOSTAC® is a powerful, easy-to-remember planning system, voted the third most popular model in the CIM poll on marketing models. It simplifies the structuring of marketing plans and digital strategies for various activities. 




Who is Lydia McClelland?

Lydia McClelland is a seasoned marketing mentor, trainer, and consultant with a wealth of experience in crafting effective marketing strategies. Her dynamic teaching style and deep expertise will guide you through the intricacies of SOSTAC®, ensuring you gain the most from this masterclass. 

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Why become a SOSTAC  Certified Planner? 


Enhance Your Planning Skills

Build confidence in creating effective marketing, business, and campaign plans. 

Develop Strategic Insight

Learn to craft robust strategies, reduce risks, and make better decisions. 

Achieve Professional Certification

Boost your CV with a prestigious certification.  

Network With Peers

Network with Peers – Connect with a community of certified professionals and access exclusive resources.

Gain Practical Knowledge

Improve existing plans and help others develop better, more consistent strategies. 

Gain Competitive Advantage

Stand out in the marketing field with recognised certification, showcasing your advanced planning skills to employers or clients.

Who Should Attend?

This masterclass is ideal for: 


  • CMOs 

  • Marketing Directors 

  • Heads of Marketing 

  • Marketing Managers 

  • Business Owners/Managers 



Where can I study and get qualified in SOSTAC

in Northern Ireland?

LMC Associates  has an exclusive partnership with PR Smith and we are the ONLY licensed SOSTAC® Certified Training Company in Northern Ireland. We can deliver training across the UK and Ireland. 



How much does it cost to get certified in SOSTAC  ? 


The SOSTAC® Masterclass Programme is either delivered as 2x full-day in person training or 4x  1/2day virtual training delivery.  


In-house delivery: for in-house delivery and pricing please contact LMC Associates directly. In-house delivery is perfect if you have 6 or more members of an organisation wishing to learn and develop together. 


Open Programme Delivery: our next Open Programme will take place in September/October 2024 and is delivered online over 4x 1/2 days.  Investment is £495 plus VAT.


Places are limited to ensure a quality learning experience. This open programme will be delivered over 4x 1/2 days virtually. There are 12 places available on this programme.  Should these dates not suit, we are accepting expressions of interest for our next open programme. Please complete the following FORM and we will be in touch  as soon as possible.


Additional costs for accreditation

Should you wish to become accredited in SOSTAC®, please note the following additional costs which are paid directly to SOSTAC®


SOSTAC® Associate Online Exam: £125 + VAT (open to anyone 16+ who has attended the training).


SOSTAC® Certified Planner Online Exam: £195 + VAT (you must have already passed the SOSTAC® Associate Exam OR have a degree in marketing OR  have at least 5 years marketing experience in order to sit this level).



LMC Associates is a licenced SOSTAC® Training Company.



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